Tuesday, March 8, 2016

3Glasses Wang VR growth opportunities in China CES 2016

2016 at the CES show, in terms of attention, the number of exhibitors is also technology giants tilt, VR and unmanned areas is undoubtedly the favourites again this year. Which happens to be during the CES, Oculus Rift CV1 sale at HTC HTC Vive was also opened to the public before listing the last developer version (consumer Edition went on sale in April), although the absence of the Sony PlayStation VR conservative, but it and Japan cooperation Game Studio sound. 2016 would look like a VR "annual".

Also in the show, VR China manufacturers make up a lot of seats. In contrast, the participation of domestic VR late, many companies put VR industry applications early.

In 2014, with the Oculus DK2 period, there are a large number of domestic entrepreneurial team wants to push its own virtual reality helmet after this wave, and precipitated a number of teams to their respective areas of expertise to develop content, interactive devices and so on. National VR team storm-like capital and resources quick layout maker, also specialize in small is beautiful like a TVR team, as well as 3Glasses has more than 10 years experience in application development, known as "State" of the team.

On the session of the CES, we chatted with 3Glasses CEO Wang. Founded by Wang Wei-technology, with more than 10 years experience in development of VR applications, they are one of the most experienced VR development team. Meanwhile, they adopted last year with an upstream partner, putting the 3Glasses virtual reality helmets to nearly 1500 VR experience stores, whose helmet has more than 70% in the domestic PC market share.

3Glasses Wang: VR-growth opportunities in China | CES 2016

3Glasses virtual reality helmet D2 on display at the CES experience

3Glasses Wang: VR-growth opportunities in China | CES 2016

Smart bike experience VR virtual reality goggles

Progress of the 3Glasses

Wang told us: hardware, 3Glasses helmet (D2) shipments of tens of thousands of units. About 50%-60% is with upstream partners to experience the store, most of the rest is paid to developers or their own purchase.

virtual reality goggles

Software, through a partnership with developers, 3Glasses currently has 30-40 mature game in hand; in addition to developer contest, also has attracted nearly 100 participants.

How to attract overseas developers?

3Glasses is making hundreds of VR content development team, half from overseas. Content developers overseas, compared to the national team, they tend to have more funding and resources, in terms of content design is usually more mature (HTC Bao Yongzhe, Deputy Chief in charge of Vive VR during the CES also exchanged similar views with Lei Feng network reporter).

Wang considered attractive to overseas developers, in addition to actively outside the operations, there are a few basic points:

1. the product itself has no intellectual property and respect the intellectual property rights of overseas developers. For example on the CES, 3Glasses shows demo of Epic Games is authorized.

2. product quality is excellent, and this reflects on the experience and input. 3Glasses the latest version of the two helmet Blubur S1 and W1 (Blubur Chinese name is Lan Po), found a top screen suppliers, specifically customized for two helmets are double 2K independent of the display screen. This is 4th in the industry (Oculus, and HTC and Sony).

3. the number of users is large enough.

How to view VR experience store this thing?

Evaluation of VR experience store in the industry has been mixed. On one hand, VR experience stores can quickly educate the general users, the VR development team in shipments and revenue have positive returns. But VR experience shop owner and practitioner levels, often in inadequate investment product experience, some in the industry think it would hurt early users.

Wang told us that they are doing now is some experience with Guangdong Panyu Dian upstream manufacturers, the main provider of technical support equipment integration, algorithm, the other is supported. Experience early offers the VR experience is bad, is that the practitioner is not professional, then they pull the VR content development costs are too high. Wang thinks should be determined by a professional team to provide technology and content support, such as 3Glasses.

Now, in terms of content, 3Glasses for the store introduced the "1 dollar plan", that is, any game content on their platform, experience store play once, only 1 dollar 3Glasses content platform, and 70% will return to content developers. This practice make experience than owners buying or looking for someone to develop the content is much more reliable, and each time you play to return content developers in the scale of the existing store is considerable.

Summary of VR experience store of value is more good than harm. First of all, it helps the education market, they store users and help improve the stability of the hardware device, and finally have positive earnings because it can give content developers the early returns, helping VR content as soon as possible from only "rollercoaster" stage.

Past experience store operating platform in the absence of State, experienced shop owner is shortsighted and helpless at times, content developers are confused--what users really want. Help store, now 3Glasses, exposing data to developers and tell them what kind of welcome by ordinary users.

How to treat the last year a lot of teams to VR helmets, but in the end few shipments? How to treat the 3 Giants entered this year, "China VR team" opportunities still exist?

Before answering a question, Wang made a very interesting point: the same is baking cakes, everyone got the same amount of water, flour, sugar and butter, but baking cake tastes vary greatly. The doorway is baking skills as well as ratio of the various components. VR helmets, too, a lot of people think is a cell phone screen, but it takes a lot of experience.

3 Giants have a lot of money and talent, they are more good than "one-step" VR products. And the national team opportunities is "rapid iteration, small run" as soon as possible to attract developers, improve product stability, rich content, and achieved a positive cycle. Of course, provided that the products can be recognized by domestic and overseas content development team.

How to treat domestic Internet companies spend on VR?

Both Tencent, music video, or other domestic Internet companies VR showed a real interest. But at the same time, these companies are in "new business" field of view of first VR developed understanding of VR and and experienced team of VR to explore what is the best VR VR. For now, the domestic Internet companies on content and promotion can help quickly to VR.

3Glasses D2 TrailBlazer Edition

11 votes

3Glasses D2 TrailBlazer Edition

The world's first mass production 2K-screen virtual reality helmet 3Glasses D2 Virtual Reality Headset

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